My Photo
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I write songs, I sing them... I play the piano and a little bit of the guitar.. I've released 5 albums of music, I love the scent of freshly fallen rain and the scent of lavender on bedsheets. I would drink tea all day long if the caffeine didn't keep me up at night. I hate driving in L.A traffic. I would love to one day catch the squirrel that steals the plums from my tree and make him a pet. I don't watch TV anymore. My 3 year old daughter is more entertaining than any TV show could ever be :)

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Album promotions for 'Beautiful Seed' in Singapore

It's been a busy week. Fruitful, but busy.

Tuesday August 14th 2007

Evelyn from Warner Music picked us up and we
headed to MediaCorp radio for a couple of interviews.

I had an interview with WeiBin
at 93.3 FM, Singapore's #1 Mandarin Radio Station
at MediaCorp Radio.

It was nice to see Wei Bin again and I was grateful
for her kindness in helping me with my Mandarin answers
to her questions.

After this, I had another live radio
interview with Melanie Oliverio at 93.8 LIVE FM
It was good to chat with Melanie again and
to talk about some of the inspiration behind
the album 'Beautiful Seed' with her.

Before we had our lunch, we headed over to Kenn's
house to borrow his acoustic guitar for the
MTV segment the next day, as I had to play
a one minute segment of my song 'Shelter' for the Pop Inc.
programme with VJ Colby.

By the time we had lunch, it was close to 3 p.m
Lunch was chicken rice packed from a store along
River Valley road and we ate the lunch
at Warner's office while waiting for the press
interviewers to arrive.

The first press interview was for Green Dot
and I was surprised to see my ex-classmate from
RGS, Karen. I hadn't seen her in close to 18 years
and she still looked pretty much the same as she did.

There were also press interviews with Inflight entertainment
and it was nice to see Shee Mun again. Interviews
also followed with Radio Pulze and SMU Radio.
By the time we were done for the afternoon, I was
pretty tired, but it was good to talk with the students
from NUS and SMU and to answer their questions with regards
to my music and career.

It was close to 5.45 p.m by this time
and Kavin and I quickly headed to church
at St. Iggies to meet Papa for the mass
to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.

Wednesday 15th August 2007

I had an interview in the late morning
with POP Inc. at MTVAsia today with VJ Colby.
It was great to see Colby again and he was
funny as usual. I played about a minute's
worth of Shelter and Colby interviewed
me on the album 'Beautiful Seed'.

I met with Vivienne later that afternoon
to have a late lunch/tea. It was one of
the rare occasions where she could take
some time off from caring for Rowan
because her mom had agreed to babysit
that afternoon.

It was great to spend some time to have
a heart-to-heart with her and to catch
up on the various facets of our lives.

Following this, I had an interview with
the Mandarin language paper MyPaper
incorporating some food tasting at
a couple of restaurants in the Dempsey Hill area.

Bob was the photographer from My Paper and
I told him I was hopeless at posing for photographs
and asked him to guide me along the way.
He sweetly agreed and we found a couple of spots
to take photos at Culina's among the wine
bottles and wine glasses while Christine, the reporter
took some notes about the venue for her report.

Next up, we went to the Red Sea Art Gallery to have
a look at the art pieces. I was surprised to hear
the 'Beautiful Seed' album playing in the gallery
and Todd, who oversaw the gallery told me he'd
just bought the album and liked it. Awwwww....

After taking some more photos in the gallery,
we set off for Rain Restaurant, where we
had a steamboat dinner. Interesting that they
had a soup stock called 'Chicken Essence' and
they poured a bottle of essence of chicken into
the soup. That tasted pretty good.

It was quite lovely to chat with the other women
at the table, Christine, reporter for MyPaper;
Kee, PR consultant; Evelyn from Warner Music.
We chatted over relationships,
the pros and cons of studying overseas...we shared
our discoveries about love, about self and this journey of life.

It was a nice round-table dinner discussion of topics
among us, all women in our 20's and 30's and even though
it was the first time that some of us were talking to each other,
there was a real sense of our inter-connectedness.
It was truly heartwarming and gratifying.

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