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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I write songs, I sing them... I play the piano and a little bit of the guitar.. I've released 5 albums of music, I love the scent of freshly fallen rain and the scent of lavender on bedsheets. I would drink tea all day long if the caffeine didn't keep me up at night. I hate driving in L.A traffic. I would love to one day catch the squirrel that steals the plums from my tree and make him a pet. I don't watch TV anymore. My 3 year old daughter is more entertaining than any TV show could ever be :)

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thinking about John Paul II on the 3rd anniversary of his death - April 2nd 2008

I couldn't help but tear as I watched
a commemorative program on EWTN yesterday,
showing scenes from John Paul II's life.

Can't believe it's been three years since
he left us for our Father's house.

Truly, he followed the God he loved in
everything. Clutching, loving and
living the cross in his hunched body,
...he became increasingly fragile over the years.
Yet, there was such strength in his weakness.
Strength that the world can not understand.
The strength that can only come from God.

For as Pope Benedict said about John Paul II:
"We can not forget that in his last silent witness of love for Jesus. Even the eloquent scene of human suffering and faith on that last Good Friday, showed believers and the world the secret of the whole Christian life. His "Do not be afraid" was not based on human strength, or about successes, but only on the Word of God on the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ.”

Pope John Paul II’s conformity to Christ lasted until the end of his life, Benedict explained.

"Gradually, he was stripped of everything, down to those last words, his trust in Christ appeared with growing evidence. As it happened to Jesus, it happened with John Paul II to the very end when the words took place of the final sacrifice, the gift of self. And death was the seal of the whole existence given to Christ. [John Paul II] conformed himself to Christ even physically in the case of suffering and the complete confident abandonment in the arms of the Heavenly Father. According to a witness who was nearby, "Let's go to the Father", were his last words to fulfill a life of total striving to know and contemplate the face of the Lord."

Thanks to Salt and Light TV for the clip below :



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Corrinne, it's Dan! Oh, How I remember that moment when JPII was announced to the world! I was at the Novitiate for Holy Cross, in Colorado Springs, and all the seminarians were so excited that we had a young, vigorous pope! When I sang at the Cathedral this Wednesday, how good it was to know that I could commemorate his 3rd anniversary of death by going to mass. Wasn't it amazing to see how many people, Catholic and non-catholic, came to Rome to pay their respects? It was an amazing outpouring of love. Thanks for your reflections! -Dan

Friday, April 04, 2008 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love your music!

Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:30:00 AM  
Blogger Joel Yap said...

I love your Christian music!

Thursday, May 01, 2008 9:41:00 AM  
Blogger ZAN said...

Hey Corrine! Honestly your songs are amazing. The song five loaves and 2 fishes is simply ... . Going throught a tough patch in my life right now, and this song just reminded me we have an amazing God. We serve a beautiful and loving father :D

Monday, June 09, 2008 7:21:00 AM  
Blogger Joi said...

The off topic stuff first: I just discovered your music on Pandora radio, and almost had to hold back tears. Very lovely.

On topic! I'm not Catholic myself (high-church traditonal Anglican, but JPII was one of my heroes since I was 8 years old and read a bio of him in Reader's Digest. He is greatly missed!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:40:00 AM  
Blogger Lira said...

Hi Corrinne! It's really amazing that people from all religions paid tribute to Karol Wojtyla.

I love your songs, by the way, especially On The Side of Me. More power and God bless!

Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post.

Monday, November 10, 2008 6:40:00 AM  

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