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Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

I write songs, I sing them... I play the piano and a little bit of the guitar.. I've released 5 albums of music, I love the scent of freshly fallen rain and the scent of lavender on bedsheets. I would drink tea all day long if the caffeine didn't keep me up at night. I hate driving in L.A traffic. I would love to one day catch the squirrel that steals the plums from my tree and make him a pet. I don't watch TV anymore. My 3 year old daughter is more entertaining than any TV show could ever be :)

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Never Say Never

When we first moved into our house here in Los Angeles,
we had a majestic plum tree that provided lots of shade
in the backyard, and yielded the sweetest plums we had
ever tasted. The squirrels would always carry away the
bulk of the year's plums, and we would scold them as they
scurried away with the plums.

Then one especially windy night, we heard a loud crash.
Hurrying out to the garden, we saw that one of the huge branches
of the plum tree had broken off and fallen onto the

The next day, we called up a tree specialist who told
us that the plum tree had been chewed into by termites
and that we would have to cut it down.

Heartbroken, we agreed and soon, all that was left
of the beautiful plum tree was a stump on the ground.

I regretted that I'd never kept any of the plum's seeds.

A couple of months later, I noticed some tiny branches
sprouting from the stump of the tree. Excited, I asked
the tree guy if this meant that the tree would grow again.

He replied that it was rare for a tree to resprout from its
stump, but that even if it were to grow into a tree,it would
never ever have fruit again.

We were so sad...

That was in 2001.

Fast forward a week ago. I looked out to the garden
and my gaze landed on the plum tree. Incredulously
there were some round red globes peppered on the branches.
Could it be?

I dashed out to the garden, and took a closer look.
They were plums! Small, but without a doubt, small plum
fruit. I broke one off to try it and even though it wasn't
fully ripe, it hinted of the sweetness to come.

Life, in all its tenacity and glory...
life, rejuvenated in the form of a blossoming plum tree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Corrinne, now I know where you got the inspiration for your new album title :) Wow, the plum looks yummy! You can be a food critic you know. The way you describe the fruit makes me salivate. Oops, digusting!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007 11:55:00 PM  

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